4th of July Ice Cream Sandwich

Wishing you a save and yummy 4th of July!

This 4th of July I was heading over to a friends house and wanted to bring a sweet treat that would be as festive as it was delicious. Of course being the 4th of July I wanted to work within a red, white, and blue color scheme. So, I decided to create something that children of all ages could enjoy and appreciate.

So, I came up with this quick and easy recipe for a red velvet ice cream cookie. It's so fast and simple to make that you can knock it out the same day as your party just like I did. Check out the video above to see how it's done, and enjoy!


1 Red Velvet Cake Box Mix
2 Eggs
1/3 cup of Vegitable Oil
White Chocolate Chips
Bake 8-10 minutes
Vanilla Ice Cream
Blue Food Coloring

Charles Maring is a photographer and filmmaker at Maring Visuals, and a co-host / creator of the Together In Style talk show.