Charlee Apple Tree - Our Reel Life - Web Series

Charlee Apple Tree - Our Reel Life - Web Series

Fine Art Fashions and the work / life balance

An unscripted web show, starring Charles and Jennifer Maring, that takes you behind the scenes of their creative journey as a married couple who make their living as artists.

All Shot on the Lumix GH4
Studio lighting by Profoto

We have been humbled, excited, and hardworking over the past couple of weeks as we try to find the work / life balance. We want to thank all of you who have supported our dreams especially our loyal clients for coming to us for all things artistic.

Charles dancing to reggae music while painting.

Charles dancing to reggae music while painting.


On the fashion front we need to produce photo-shoots non-stop in order to get the word out on social media about the cool designs, and even just to make people aware we exist. We really appreciate all those who have been sharing, liking, retweeting, etc... We can't thank you enough! We are also having to spend money on Facebook advertising to reach everyone now that Facebook is pay - to play and only reaches approximately 2% of your audience unless you pay them. It's a delicate balance when you have no advertising budget as we are just artists with creative ideas. So, the shares make a huge impact, and we so appreciate all that take the time to do so. 

I have 5 new paintings that are nearing completion, and expect to launch some new looks late spring along with some creative new products on the website, so stay tuned. Now we are in the thick of a big PR push making magazines, news stations, TV shows, and bloggers aware of Charlee, so fingers crossed we can spread the word and get some great PR.

Jennifer Maring in the studio photographing with a Lumix GH4

Jennifer Maring in the studio photographing with a Lumix GH4


On the Maring VIsuals front we are not only producing content for CHARLEE, but we have also been producing videos, websites, and portraits for several commercial clients. This side of our business has been on the move since we started taking on corporate and commercial work a few years back. We don't push this side of our business, rather it comes to us organically, but we adore being a part of other success stories so we welcome these types of projects, and really enjoy it.

Our current projects include building two websites, and creating all the visuals, for two medical home care businesses that just had a big merger. We are also creating a short film for a past wedding client who's company creates gorgeous one of a kind iron railings and fences for multi-million dollar homes. Last week were were filming in a brand new 25 million dollar home in NJ that had the build quality of a Newport Mansion, yet brand new. Simply amazing!

Charles pruning apple trees at home in Connecticut

Charles pruning apple trees at home in Connecticut

At Home

If you follow Jennifer's cooking show on Together In Style, then you know we are all about great food and fresh ingredients. When we bought our CT home we were excited that we had enough land that we could farm part of it and know where our food was coming from. We have 42 apple trees on the property and a huge victory garden. 

The only downside of the apple trees is that it means we have to prune them every year. In this episode you will get a glimpse of just how much work it is, especially if you let them grow for multiple years without pruning. The good part is that the work is done, and now we have to really dig in and do some spring cleanup around our home so we can be ready for spring portrait season, which kicks off in April.

Well, that's a wrap for this episode of Our Reel Life. I can tell you that we have had some great things happen over the past week or so to include in our next episode. We hope you will check back and tune in!

Best Wishes.... Charles and Jennifer

Charles Maring is a photographer and filmmaker at Maring Visuals, and a co-host / creator of the Together In Style talk show.