Empowering Women to Embrace Self Expression

Be Free! It's Ok To Feel Beautiful!

Empowering women to embrace their inner and outer beauty is something I hold dear. As a photographer and filmmaker I often create fashionable sexy portraits and boudoir sessions, and it is a liberating experience for my clients. I would never ask a woman to do anything I wouldn't do, so part of my mission as an artist is to share that it is empowering to embrace self expression and showcase just how beautiful you are inside and out regardless of your shape or size. I am not a model, and yes I have curves. I celebrate them, and I think every woman should.

On our recent trip to Las Vegas we had a few days to create without boundaries, and this short fashion film was one of of the outcomes of doing just that. Wouldn't this style of film make for a gorgeous advertising campaign for lingerie? 

Location... MGM Grand Signature Las Vegas

Outfit by Victoria Secret

Photography and Video by Maring Visuals

I smile a lot it makes me feel happiness, I kiss a lot it make me feel loved, I give a lot it makes me feel valuable, I cook a lot it makes me feel healthy, I hang out with my family & friends a lot it makes me feel like I'm part of life, I cry a lot it makes me feel vulnerable, I hug a lot it makes me feel secure, I work a lot it makes me feel like an artist! The best part of doing all of these things is that my entire world is a reflection of what I choose to do and be apart of. Being your true self is the freedom you need to love yourself before you can love others completely. This powerful freedom is sexy and an enjoyable part of being a grown up woman. 

I love the gift of showing women of all ages how beautiful they are.  Their inner beauty shines outward and capturing this is a shared blessing.  We have the right to feel beautiful at all ages and feel confident in our bodies. Women are meant to have freedom, to be unique, and feel beautiful. When you allow yourself to relax grace arises. Trust that you are perfectly made. These photographs are all natural, no makeup, and no Photoshop retouching. I say be respectful to your individuality and accept yourself as you are.  Girl power all the way!

Jennifer Maring is a photographer and video artist that has made creativity a lifestyle, and is a lead contributor to the Together In Style Website.