Remodeled - Our Reel Life Web Series

Remodeled - Our Reel Life Web Series


REMODELED - Episode 2


Produced and Filmed by Maring Visuals

OUR REEL LIFE Web Series - Episode 2 "REMODELED"
An unscripted web show, starring Charles and Jennifer Maring, that takes you behind the scenes of their creative journey as a married couple who make their living as artists.

We are on a wild ride. As artists and entrepreneurs we never stop creating, and we have to keep our fingers on the pulse of digital imaging in order to evolve and lead. Right now is an amazing time in photography, video, and imaging. Technology is growing leaps and bounds, and it's our job as artists to figure out what to do with it.

As you will see in this episode we have been creating photographs with a cool new camera technology from a company called Lytro. It's a light field camera, and it can do some spectacular things like produce video animations, shoot in 3D, and users can even interact with the photographs when viewed in a gallery. Pretty sweet!

Panasonic is also creating some cool new camera technology. DSLR's have had their day, and now mirrorless cameras are set to take over the world of imaging. One of our favorite cameras is the Lumix GH4. Pair that with the Profoto B1 off camera flash, and we can create images at weddings like never before. Portrait quality photojournalism where real moments look gorgeously lit. We have a behind the scenes article and video in the technology section on how we are using these cool new tools at weddings and events.

Jennifer has been cooking up a storm. If you haven't seen her Blueberry Bourbon BBQ Sauce recipe, made with Jefferson's Bourbon, you simply must. It's incredibly delicious, and you will never want to buy it in a bottle again.

Last but not least we are somehow making time to do some home improvements, which of course means endless trips to Home Depot. As artists we have a vision, and if we weren't taking photographs or producing films, we would probably be doing interior design. We have some segments building in order to expand our AT HOME section in which we share design, but that will come at a later date. For now, enjoy being behind the scenes of Our Reel Life, and live it up Together In Style.

Charles Maring is a photographer and filmmaker at Maring Visuals, and a co-host / creator of the Together In Style talk show.