Beauty Between The Thorns



We can't do business as usual and leave the house at the moment due to the Connecticut Covid 19 lockdown, and yet I’ve got that creative energy alive, and flowing... I always say that everything is interesting when we take the time to see it, and today I am seeking beauty between the thorns of the briars and weeds in my yard at home with the Lumix S1R and a Lumix 24-105 f/4 lens. It’s a dark time in America, and so maybe I’m seeing things a little skewed at the moment, and this video reflects some of that. I’m chasing the shadows instead of the light, which is equally important to do as an artist.

I'm enjoying having nearly 50MP of resolution in some of my work, and the 24-105 is remarkably versatile due to it's zoom range. It allows me to work very close up to my subjects when I wish, and also capture wide landscapes as well. It's a kit lens, yet I find myself turning to it often when out in the field because wide range of options. This was filmed by my wife Jennifer Maring on the Lumix GH5 with the Leica 12-60. All photographs and video clips captured in L-Monochrome Mode on the S1 and the GH5.

Story Behind These Photographs
This weekend my wife and I drove to Chatfield Hollow State Park in Connecticut to try and find an interesting subject to photograph. Normally this park has a couple of cars in the parking lot, and once in a while you might pass somebody on your walkabout. I pictured my wife and having an introspective opportunity in the great outdoors. What I found was a state park overrun with people. We are supposed to be in a state of social isolation, but evidently most people are considering this time off a vacation. But, I get it, we need some fresh air at this point… My wife and I are no different, and I’m longing to use my cameras creatively as well. Rather than stopping, we went home, and felt a little defeated for a brief moment. Things don’t always work out how you plan them as a photographer, or in life for that matter. No matter how much planning goes into something, you have to be open minded even when you are struggling. More times than not, if you just keep working or just keep seeking, the universe will deliver. Today, I just didn’t want to give up.

It's not always easy to see the beauty in what is in front of you. Early Spring in Connecticut can look pretty dismal, but that should be no excuse for the ability to take some interesting photographs. So, I decided to set out for a short walk on my own land this evening to see what I could find, and to challenge myself to see the world differently. I chose a patch of briars, which on any other day offer me only frustration but today they would deliver something beautiful. These vines grow on the edge of our property, are invasive, and if not cut regularly will take over everything they come in contact with, including our apple trees. However, today I sought to find the uniqueness in them through my lens. Working with a camera teaches me life lessons, especially when I am in nature. Symbolism with life is represented with every click of the shutter, and turning my focus on such a boring subject helps me to see that opportunity is all about perspective. Sometimes maybe we should simply seek the beauty between the thorns. It might just surprise us.

Wishing you safe passage through these crazy times...

All the best... Charles



Charles Maring is a photographer and filmmaker at Maring Visuals, and a co-host / creator of the Together In Style talk show.