Rock'n Holidays - Our Reel Life - Web Series Chapter 28

Rock'n Holidays - Our Reel Life - Web Series Chapter 28


We are all decorated up for the holidays, and have been creating lots of holiday portraits for clients both on location and at the studio. This is such a heartwarming time of year for us on the photography front because we connect with clients from all walks of life spanning our career. Luckily this year we got an early start on the holiday portrait season, and we are in the middle of it all now. So, if you haven't booked your portrait session yet, definitely reach out to us as we would be happy to make it all happen for you. Yes, we can still get holiday cards out in time! Email us now or call us at 877-949-9370 for photo-shoots in Connecticut or NYC.


Filmed by Maring Visuals
Shot on Lumix Cameras
Lighting by Profoto

I, Charles, have been sitting in with a rock band on a couple evenings each week, and it looks like I am going to continue to do so as I have a really great group of talent I have been performing with. I've been writing songs for quite some time with my acoustic, so it's a lot of fun to hear them come to fruition, and be backed by such talent. Music is a lifelong journey of learning, and something that influences all of my art. Last week, I thought it would be fun to launch my new painting "Savoir Faire" with a song I wrote, composed, and played all the parts on. I've never done something like this before publicly, so this is something new for me.  It just makes sense, and feels right, to be exploring it all in my body of work... Art, Fashion, Music, and Photography! 

Somebody asked me last week if I felt I was taking on too much... Absolutely not I replied! We have thought about this question for quite some time and have come to the conclusion that on the photography front we are on fire with all the experience and accolades we've harnessed. As crazy as this sounds, I've been working on my photography since age 7, which is about the time I first saw a print come to life in the darkroom alongside my brother and dad. My photographic journey will never end for sure because creating photographs is what I was born to do.

However Humbly... Even at the young age we are now, lol, we already have the most sought after awards the world has to offer under our belts, we have chaired the International Photography Awards many times, we have had the covers or editorial of too many magazines and books to mention, and we have photographed the wedding of the President of the United States along with many other celebrities. So, there really isn't a photography peak to climb as an artist or entrepreneur. We are literally a photography success story, as weird as it is to write those words. Needless to say that if a potential client can't see at this point that we are the best photographers for the job then what more can we write or say to prove ourselves, other than we can't protect them from themselves. I don't write this out of arrogance, rather the opposite, because our hearts are always in the right place. Anyone that comes to know us realizes quickly that we are very humble, and go out of our way to deliver on every project. It's why we are still in business after so many years, and right now the truth is, we are doing the best work of our lives for clients photographically speaking! But, here's the thing... We know in our hearts that we have more to give.

So, as you see us exploring all artistic sides of our being, know that we are honored to photograph your families, weddings, children, and lives. It's what we were born to do. However, to serve the world and be our best selves we simply need to grow and innovate creatively as well, and that is what you see unfolding in Our Reel Life.  Until the next episode!!!

With Love... Charles and Jennifer

Charles Maring is a photographer and filmmaker at Maring Visuals, and a co-host / creator of the Together In Style talk show.